0 4 mins 13 hrs

Sportradar, a firm that supplies sports information and honesty solutions, has introduced a fresh initiative to instruct athletes on the responsible utilization of social media.

The Deutsche Eishockey Liga (DEL), Germany’s premier ice hockey league, is the inaugural league to join the program.

The program comprises webinars and workshops for athletes. These sessions remind athletes of the potential risks associated with social media and how to employ it securely.

“Social media can exert a significant influence on an individual’s reputation and the integrity of sports,” stated Andrew Whittingham, Head of Education and Integrity Services at Sportradar. “Inappropriate online conduct can negatively affect individual athletes, teams, leagues, and even the entire sport.

“We are enthusiastic about collaborating with [DEL] and we believe their approach to social media education is outstanding.”

It is crucial to educate hockey players, referees, and officials simultaneously. This ensures all participants grasp their individual and collective duty to maintain the highest standards of honesty.

Gernot Tripcke, the head of the German Ice Hockey League, expressed his pleasure at signing a partnership deal with Sportradar.

“Club athletes are active on social media frequently and naturally desire to make their accounts as professional as possible,” Tripcke clarified.

“These workshops will undoubtedly aid in operating within the social media realm with the utmost security. Similarly, it also pertains to anti-manipulation, which has always been vital for our league.”

Furthermore, Sportradar will implement its Fraud Detection System (FDS) for the Slovak Football Association (SFZ).

Sportradar will utilize FDS to monitor matches and club friendly games in lower Slovak leagues to identify, mark, and evaluate unusual betting patterns.

If needed, the SFZ will also receive Sportradar’s intelligence and investigation services – which assist with probes surrounding integrity concerns – as well as its educational programs.

The Slovakian Football Federation (SFF) has vowed to combat match manipulation and has teamed up with Sportradar Integrity Services, showcasing their dedication to upholding the fairness of the sport. Jakub Čavoj, SFF Integrity Officer, stated: “Their FDS wagering monitoring system offers vital oversight of the global wagering market, allowing their integrity specialists to notify us promptly of any questionable activity.

“We anticipate collaborating with them in our joint endeavors to safeguard the integrity of Slovakian football.”

Andreas Krannich, Chief Executive Officer of Sportradar Integrity Services, stated that the company’s proficiency in the field makes it an ideal partner to safeguard the integrity of Slovakian domestic football.

“We are thrilled to partner with the SFF and provide our expertise to assist in protecting their domestic football competitions from integrity-related threats,” Krannich said. “With 15 years of experience in sports integrity, and our market-leading FDS solution, we are committed to assisting our sports partners in detecting and preventing manipulation, and identifying and mitigating all forms of integrity risk.”

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