Aruze Gaming, firmly supporting their founder Kazuo Okada, aims to clarify the situation surrounding his recent apprehension in Hong Kong. They highlight that Hong Kong’s judicial procedures are distinct and should not be construed as they might be in other jurisdictions. Aruze contends that Okada is the target of a defamation campaign, probably originating from his ongoing dispute with Universal Entertainment Corporation (UEC), an organization he co-established.
The declaration portrays Okada as a pioneering executive who contributed to building Aruze alongside other gaming titans, including UEC. They emphasize that no official charges have been filed against him, suggesting the potential for hidden agendas behind his detention.
This event marks the most recent chapter in a protracted and acrimonious struggle between Okada and UEC. The conflict erupted in 2017 when Okada was removed from UEC’s board subsequent to an internal inquiry into his purported misappropriation of company finances. Aruze’s assertion implies that these allegations are fabricated and constitute part of a broader attempt to tarnish Okada and his family’s reputation.
Okada possesses a past marked by legal entanglements, encompassing allegations of deception and false testimony within the Philippine Republic.